Client: Moreland City Council (now Merri-Bek)
Design: Scott Ashton
Programming: Scott Ashton, Sam Izzo
Date: Jul 2020
Virtual Moreland AR is the product of a Smart Cities and Suburbs Grant awarded by the Australian Federal Government. Imagine being able to pull up 3d models of large scale developments and to visualise them in situ.
Hardware: iOS and Android
Software: Unity 3D using Vuforia SDK, ARKit & ARCore
Language: C# and GLSL
Large Scale AR has many similarities and limitations with VR. In order to trigger and position something accurately in situ, it was necessary to combine marker based tracking(Vuforia) to trigger the model, and then use markerless tracking once triggered (ARKit & ARCore) to explore the model. At that time, markerless libraries did not have an accurate way to trigger content at a specific location.